Friday, February 10, 2012

How many vegans does it take to change a light bulb?

Q: How many vegans does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None, vegans can't change anything.

Why I'm not a 'vegan': most vegans (that I've met) are militant vegans.  They're 'anti' lots of stuff.  NO furs, no eating meat, dairy is bad, leather is evil, chickens are abused, eating eggs is akin to abortion, etc.

Now, while I might agree with some of their views - I also think human beings are at the top of the food chain and with that comes a bit of latitude.  I honestly don't believe man would have survived this long and become the dominant species on the planet if we weren't omnivores.  Think winter.  Think ice age.  Get my point?

Will I ever eat an animal product again?  Of course I will.  Will I ever eat an animal-centric diet again?  I sure hope not.

Will a micro-culture change the world?  Nope.  Math just doesn't work that way.  'Vegans' will never change the world.  But if I can help educate other people that I come in contact with, maybe they can do the same.  Over time this movement may become more mainstream - and that may change the world.

BTW, I lust after products made by Saddleback Leather.

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