Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hungry For Change

I watched the free world premiere of Hungry For Change at

Summary: Sugar is bad.  Sugar Makes you fat.  White flour turns into sugar in your blood stream, which gets stored as fat. HFCS is super sugar.  It's super bad.  Aspartame is bad.  Local foods are better than processed foods.  Your body will not burn fat until you stop taking toxins in (fat is where your body stores the toxins to protect itself from them).  Loving yourself and self-imaging is the key.  "I accept myself unconditionally, right now."  Ask yourself where does my food come from, what went into it (ethically), what is my intention to do with the food - will it support me?

Eat chia seeds, parsley, and cilantro to detox.

juice: celery and cucumber base with kale/collards

Some movies come across like they are trying to help and advise you.  Others, like this one, come across like it's trying to convince you.

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